Standard and Student memberships are $50 and $25 respectively and are for anyone interested in biochar and wanting to support BNNZ and it’s vision.
Organisational membership is $150 for non-profit groups who support biochar awareness, advocacy, and support BNNZ in its vision. This category gives you the additional benefit to list your Group on our website with a link to your website or other online presence. You are also welcome to submit events involving biochar for our calendar and use of the BNNZ logo on your website.
Professional membership is $200 for people or businesses who work in the biochar industry. This category gives you the additional benefit to list your products or services on our Supplier section. You are also encouraged to submit events involving biochar for our calendar and to use the BNNZ logo on your website. This membership is automatically granted if you become a member of ANZBIG (ANZ Biochar Industry Group) Carbon ($500) tier or higher - please state you are in NZ when you sign up.
If you become an Associate member ($250) of ANZBIG you are automatically a Standard member of BNNZ.
Reference materials such as research papers.
Information sheets that are summaries of relevant information from research and other sources.
A list of suppliers from within our membership.
Your biochar related business can be listed on the Suppliers page.
Regular MEMBERS LOUNGE every second month via online video call
BNNZ events that include workshops, webinars and other opportunities to expand your knowledge of biochar.
Events that are relevant to biochar hosted by other people and organisations.
See Calendar
Contact and networking within the membership.
The Biochar Sector and related industries – our committee is in contact with other stake holders within the sector.
Researchers – our committee is in contact with New Zealand and international researchers.
BNNZ coordinates lobbying and is actively engaged in relationships with
National Government organisations
Local Government organisations
Related industries
© 2024 Biochar Network NZ
BNNZ acknowledges the generous support of Soil Conditioner Products Ltd, NZ Biochar Ltd, Black Moa Biochar, and Slow Farm Ltd