Biochar standards and definitions

Biochar explained BNNZ white paper - a great outline of what biochar is and its potential in New Zealand.

+ European Biochar Certificate (EBC) is a voluntary industry standard in Europe. In Switzerland, it is obligatory for all biochar sold for use in agriculture. Several other countries have aligned their biochar related regulations with the EBC.

+ International Biochar Initiative (IBI) specification has developed international standards for biochar

BNNZ is...

  • growing the connections among individuals and organisations involved in research, production, and application of biochar
  • actively promoting policy and funding from central government that will increase knowledge of biochar's value in multiple contexts
  • facilitating education and awareness so that biochar becomes an accepted solution for a range of environmental concerns

ANZBIG launches Farmer's Guide

farmer's guide to biochar.png

All Black Earth

The newsletter of the NZ biochar community.

Read them here, and subscribe if you haven't already!


Discover how to make your best impact with biochar in New Zealand, at any scale.

Be connected with locals like you who can help turn knowledge, energy and resources into results.

We're your community to:

+ best use your biochar for your application and environment
+ best use your biomass
+ find, produce or sell all things biochar related
+ use biochar to lock up carbon in the soil and mitigate climate change
+ lead and advocate for biochar at community and larger scales

ANZBIG connection

BNNZ has a committee member on the ANZBIG Executive Board; currently Phil Stevens.

anzbig logo

The Australia New Zealand Biochar Industry Group (ANZBIG) mission is to facilitate and assist companies, governments and institutions in the effective production and use of Biochar. It is a cluster industry group that works to streamline Biochar education, research, collaboration and commercialisation activities to provide better outcomes for Australia and New Zealand.

© 2024 Biochar Network NZ

BNNZ acknowledges the generous support of Soil Conditioner Products Ltd, NZ Biochar Ltd, Black Moa Biochar, and Slow Farm Ltd